
Showing posts from April, 2013

My Life in March

In March we got way too much snow and had a few snow days.  Kendall's soccer got post-poned two weekends because of it.  We are hoping April will be much nicer weather.  Also, Kiernan turned 5 months old!  She is getting so big and changing everyday.   We had our first nice day and decided a walk was in order!  Kiernan was happy in her Mizzou sleeper:(  Daddy liked!  Kendall's second lesson went much better.  She learned how to groom the horse and even got to trot around the arena. We had two cuties at our house all dressed in green for St. Patrick's Day! Palm Sunday Kendall was supposed to carry palm leaves and sing in church but the weather didn't cooperate and church got cancelled.  Also cancelled was the easter egg hunts at the church and Y:(  So we met for breakfast with some friends, decorated Easter eggs and took pictures of the girls.  Kendall even said she had a great day!  It was nice to have some family time. We

Freezing February

We started this cold month with a trip to Iowa to visit that Whitham family!  We met at Adventureland Inn and the kids had a blast.  Kiernan had her first swimming experience and Kendall got to play with one of her besties, Parker.  A few adult beverages were consumed:)  Kendall had her 1st grade Valentine's Day party!  My girls posing for a picture!  Kiernan tasting her first solid food.  Yummy cereal!  She loves it!  She has many looks! Happy Valentines Day!  My girls sat still for me before Kendall left for school!  Happy Mommy! We had lunch with Daddy for Valentine's Day! And the beautiful flowers he surprised me with!  Yes, we will keep him.  Kendall had her first horse riding lesson that night so we had a family V-day at Jose Peppers after!  We didn't get any pictures of the horse because she was terrified.  Next time went better! A few random pics of my two girls!  They love each other!  I'm documenting this for