April Showers:

It still rained a lot in April but we got in a few walks and soccer games. 

 Still working on sitting up.  Holding on tight.
 Kendall lost another tooth!

 Rolen found a new friend this month that he likes to lick.

 At her 6-month check-up 14.125 lbs and 25.5 inches long.  Growing up fast.
 Kendall got in a soccer game after the rain so she was very muddy.  Her knees and hands were covered.
 Katie Ann Photography took Kiernan's 6-month pictures:)

 Sleeping in the swing.  Almost to big:(
 Kendall had her 1st grade music program where she danced the Tango with her partner.

 We had a baby shower for baby Will and Amy.  She got a lot of neat stuff!
Mema and her girls posing for the camera.


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