
Baby Johnson's Room

We are finally getting the baby's room ready! We now are patiently waiting for his arrival. Can't wait to meet him! KenKier Designs      

4th of July in Iowa

I haven't posted in a while:( I've been busy trying to wrap things up before baby Johnson comes and have been fighting the pregnancy fatigue. We made our last trip as parents of two girls up to Iowa for the 4th. We met Brian, Amy, Ella and Will up there at my parents house.  We did a little boating, the boys played golf, we ate smores, the little ones played on the deck and big girls played on the beach. We also met up with Schables and friends out on the lake for the fireworks! We had a fun weekend at Mema & Papa's house!


This year for Halloween Kendall was Pippi Longstockings and Kiernan was a ladybug.  They got lots of candy!

Fall is Here!

I can't believe it is October already.  It's football season (aka Husker season) the cool weather has come in and the leaves are a changing!  October is a big month at our house of both remembering and celebrating.  Both things lead me to reflect on how precious life is.  Six years ago all the plans I had for life and my family changed drastically.  Today Kendall is thriving and I'm married to a great guy and Kendall finally got the little sister she wanted.  A lot has changed in six years but we are surviving and loving our life!  Kiernan celebrated her 1st birthday and Kendall has been busy with cheer and gymnastics!   Kiernan's 1st Birthday cake! Katie Ann Photography took her 1 year pictures.  They turned out awesome.  We love our little pumpkin! Family joined us for the big party! She ate every bit of her cupcake! We visited the pumpkin patch on a breezy Monday but the girls had fun and I got some good pictures!  

Back to the books!

School started the middle of August and Kendall headed back to Siegrist Elementary to start 2nd grade.  We also celebrated Will's baptism and Pirate Homecoming in September. Kendall started school the middle of August. Kendall got to wish her luck on her first day! Cheering at the kick-off pep rally! Baby Will was baptized. My little Husker fans! Kendall & Shelby and the cheer team on the Homecoming float! My other Pirates!  Kiernan was excited to see Kendall. My little pirate!