
Showing posts from May, 2012

It's Official!

Friday, April 20th Joe's adoption of Kendall was final!  Kendall wasn't to sure about going to the courthouse and appearing in front of the Judge.  She had a lot of questions.  She really won't talk to strangers (not a bad thing) but luckily she didn't have to talk.  In the end Joe became her legal dad (she already thinks of him that way) and now she is blessed to have two special dads that love her!

Soccer Mom

I never thought I would be a soccer mom but I am and Kendall loves it!  This was her last year in Pony Soccer.  Next fall she moves up to the big girls!  She has really enjoyed soccer and has gotten better and better at it.  The first year we tried she would run around behind the ball but never actually kick it and only half paying attention.  Last fall she really started to get into it and started scoring goals.  She has been fun to watch this spring scoring several goals and getting in there and kicking it out of the clumps.  She enjoys it so much she doesn't want to take a break!

Kendall's Happenings!

It has been forever since I have updated the blog.  So long the manner in which I do so has changed.  Hopefully it will be easier!  We will see.  March:  Kendall had her first music program at school!  They told a little story and the kids sang songs.  She was so proud!  They got to dress up as a favorite character and Kendall choose Snow White!  She is the second tallest in her class so she was excited to be in the back row! Ella spent St. Patrick's Day with us and Kendall taught her all about the Barbie Jeep!  Kendall only fits in hers with one person:(  My baby is getting big.  So we sent one of our jeeps home with Ella!  Joe was glad to get it out of the garage. April:  The girls got Easter pictures taken together by a friend of mine!  Ella loved the chicks and Kendall wanted one on her head:) We spent Easter with my family in Iowa!  Kendall and Ella had a great time at the town Easter egg hunt then again at Grandma Normie's house on